Resultados: 5

Clinical applicability of the terminological subset of palliative care for dignified dying

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the clinical applicability of the terminological subset of the international classification for the nursing practice of palliative care for a dignified dying, in oncology. Method: Prospective study evaluating the clinical applicability of 33 nursing diagnoses/outcomes an...

Impaired comfort at the end of life: an association with nursing diagnosis and clinical variables

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the associations between the clinical variables and the Nursing diagnoses of NANDA-I Taxonomy II with the presence of Impaired comfort. Method: a quantitative and analytical study conducted with 66 individuals with end-of-life oncological disease, admitted to a speciali...

Diagnósticos de enfermagem para pacientes em cuidados paliativos: revisão integrativa da literatura

Objective: The objectives of this study were to identify the nursing diagnoses in patients under palliative care according to the literature and highlight those most used. Methods: This integrative review with a descriptive nature was carried out by analyzing articles published over the last ten years. L...

Cuidados paliativos e sua relação com os diagnósticos de enfermagem das taxonomias NANDA-I e NIC

Objetivo: identificar quais diagnósticos de enfermagem da taxonomia da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association Internacional (NANDA-I) descritos ou indicados nas produções científicas possuem relação com os pacientes em cuidados paliativos e quais são as intervenções de enfermagem mais adeq...

Construction and validation of nursing diagnoses for people in palliative care

ABSTRACT Objective: to construct and validate nursing diagnoses for people in palliative care based on the Dignity-Conserving Care Model and the International Classification for Nursing Practice. Method: a two-stage methodological study: 1) construction of the database of clinically and culturally rele...